A Travellerspoint blog

Overheard: Travel Talks

Our favourite soundbites from around the world.

We thought it would be interesting to share a few of the funny things we have said or we have heard other people say on the trip. We hope you find them slightly amusing too. Here´s some from the two of us first...

Richard to friend of his Uncle on the phone: 'Its Richard, Gary and Lee's niece...' - Dopey!

Pauline: 'Is the IMF Australian?' (INTERNATIONAL Monetary Fund, Doh!)

R: 'It would be awesome if we could get some dairylea for the street yams.' - Beijing Geek


P: 'Do you want some moisturiser?'
R: 'No thanks, I've got my own.' - A freebie I might add.

P: 'We're on the periphery of Mortal Combat!' - At the end of a 'small' dispute on the streets of Beijing

P: 'I couldn't kill a no-legged cow.'

P: 'I've just done a self-portrait of you' - Slip up by the maestro herself when drawing in bus window condensation.

R: 'Quick let´s commandeer that picnic table' - One of several free in a deserted campsite.

R: ' Can you focus on the driving please Pauline?' seconds later... R: 'Check out that tractor coming out of the sea!' - During a road trip on the Coromandel Penisula, New Zealand.

P: `Excuse me sir, where do I pay for the food and drinks?´ Business class lounge receptionist: ´You don´t madam, it´s complimentary. You can pay me if you like´ spot the backpacker!

And here´s a few from some people we met or overheard:

Heman (Our host in Chennai) to Richard: 'I must show you the toilets.' - During a trip to a posh cinema.

Chinese tea scammers in Shanghai to Richard: 'You have big nose.' - No shit.

Radio Presenter on Triple J in Australia to his colleague: 'I'm not talking to you cos you punched me in the nob!'

Staff member at Taupo Bungy, New Zealand: 'Forget the duct tape, i'll get a harness for the bear, it'll be safer!' - After Richard had requested that Pauline´s soft toy mascot come along for the ride.

Hopefully there´ll be plenty more to come.

Posted by millfred 09:35

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